From mid-thigh down, my legs have been humming since yesterday at 3:30 p.m.--that's the only way I can describe it, underneath the skin it feels like tissues are vibrating slightly, thus I decided the word humming fits. Plus my knees and sometimes my ankles have ached and have not wanted to be stretched out on the recliner or on the bed, so I've stood up and walked around. I did manage to sleep some in both places during the night, after I took some Tylenol. Off and on today, the humming and the aching waxed and waned--thank goodness. Those times of steady humming are not any fun, period.
Another thing that peripheral neuropathy causes is stumbling and balance problems while walking. This has happened enough that I noticed it as I made my way around the apartment, so I decided not to walk in the hallway today--no reason to tempt fate, right? No falls or trips in here--I am blessed. Plus, although I have felt tingles and twinges in my hands, they've been few and far between.
One more good thing, I now only have to take anti-nausea meds as needed, so that means less chemicals entering my body. That's got to be a good sign!

Today's event, covered by all of the local TV stations, evidently drew too many boats to the river to watch, so that the Coast Guard withdrew the event's permit at 4 p.m. The waterways have to be clear for commercial traffic, I think one station mentioned. Anyway, here's a photo that I took of a giant Big Wheel when I went in 2008 and stayed for hours and hours of crazy entertainment.

Here it is as it hit the water. I cannot tell for sure from subsequent photos, but I'm pretty certain that not only did the pilot (the guy on the Big Wheel itself) and the buy you see jumping off in this photo but also those other two in khaki and black jumped into the river. I don't have them jumping or on the way down, but they're not standing with the media crew, so since they were done pushing their Big Wheel off the edge, surely they all three jumped. Crazy folks having fun in Portland. I'll bet that went on today and the fact that the Coast Guard shut down the boaters watching didn't stop the competition from completion. One TV station said that Red Bull will release the results on Twitter.
Here's some info on the event itself, in case you're wanting to understand why anyone would want to get in a crowd of 80,000 people like I did in 2008 and watch folks jump, well, try to fly, off a platform into the Willamette River.
Why You Should Go
Red Bull Flugtag (“flying day” in German) has taken place worldwide for 23 years, entertaining more than 500,000 people annually. Teams of five from across the U.S. can submit a creative concept at and if selected begin building their human-powered flying machines. Come August 1, 2015, they will push their crafts off of a 28-foot-high deck into the Willamette River in an attempt to break the world record of 258 ft. Participants will be judged on distance, creativity and showmanship.
Portland is the only U.S. Red Bull Flugtag taking place in 2015. A truly city-stopping moment, Tom McCall Waterfront Park has been filled with up to 80,000 spectators in previous year’s Red Bull Flugtag events. The fun packed event will let the wackiest and most daring participants from across the U.S. make a splash into the Willamette and attempt to break the current 258 ft. world record set in Long Beach in 2013.
Insider’s Secret
Anyone can apply to fly in the competition! Past applicants have used inspiration such as their favorite food, pop culture, technology, and mythology, and have even attempted to drum up hometown support with crafts based on colleges, sports teams, and other elements that their city is famous for – all in the name of testing gravity’s limits for the public’s entertainment.
Your Wallet Says Free to apply and free to attend!
This fun, right? Strange. Big Wheels on water?
I've seen that done here!
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