Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I think it's about time I share some photos that I took on Sunday, September 18, alongside Tom McCall Waterfront Park on Naito Parkway. There were all sorts of races, timed, not timed, running, walking, different distances. Huge, huge crowd--more than 35,000 participants.
During the event, survivors ran down their special, set-aside-just-for-them, finish chute, grinning and running. Brought tears to my eyes, more than once, I can tell you. Lots and lots of survivors and those who love and support them.

It's a terrific generational event from kiddies to grannies. Just shows how important awareness, contributions, involvement, and research are and how they all can be combined.
What faces! They say it all.
Looks like a great turn out. Love all of the photos.
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