With this set of four clear directions--the painted arrow on the pavement, the direction of the parked vehicles, the Exit sign, and the Do Not Enter sign--I've still seen a vehicle or two turn into this side of Elephant's parking lot. After work, I walk down the sidewalk once I get off the bus in front of the Goodwill on West Burnside.
I think they need spikes on the ground. That should deter those persistent drivers.
Reminds me of an ice sculpture display this past Christmas, put up by the city. It was clearly marked on both sides "do not enter." When we got there, parents were posing their little kids at the display to take pictures, then walking around inside the display themselves. I used my camera to get a video clip and am still debating posting it on youtube!
The rules apply to everyone else, it seems.
What the heck, I like going up the down staircase. Or is that down the up staircase? lol
Cute post. People either can't read or they're totally ignorant.
I agree with george townboy...ignorant or stupid....pick one!
People do not read signs. They are in a hurry in their own little world.
I certainly like the way they try to be clear, though. :-)
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