Thanks to Tog of Coral Gables Photo for the information that this grapefruit is really a pomelo. According to Wikipedia:
The pomelo (or Chinese grapefruit, pummelo, pommelo, jabong, boongon, shaddock, jeruk Bali, or suha), Citrus maxima (Merr., Burm. f.), also Citrus grandis (L.), is a citrus fruit, usually a pale green to yellow when ripe, larger than a grapefruit, with sweet flesh and thick spongy rind.
Kay says the flesh was sweet, but not juicy. I didn't taste it; I just photographed it.
What a great shot...never heard of this fruit...glad you sharedQ
That thing is peculiar! It's got a lot of peel and not much fruit.
Grapefruits or pummelos are one of my favorite fruits. They are absolutely yummy if they are sweet, but it takes some effort to peel.
I have not seen one with skin so thick.
I would think I got a deformed grapefruit. Hard to peel.
Ruby grapefruit juice is one of my favourites. This one looks more pith than juice!
Wow, I would not have expected such a thick rind. It does look dry. Thanks for sharing with us the inside. Sometimes bigger isn't better. But we usually reach for the bigger thinking we will get more.
Lots more outside, than inside. :-)
I've heard of the fruit but never saw it before. . .I'll have to look for it at the green grocers in town.
wow... that's a thick skin! i guess that wasn't enough to share after all....
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