I took these two photos on October 16, walking to work in the morning. Wasn't it splendid of the Heathman Hotel's doorman Jeff Lazarus to pose with the little guy for me? In the second photo, the doorman's gone back to his post at the right side of the doorway--you can see just a bit of him there.
The Heathman is on the corner of SW Broadway and Salmon. Here's some history about the building of the hotel. You can see a better version of that 1938 photo of the hotel here. In the older photo, Broadway is the longer street, running sort of up hill. There's an awning over the front door--that's the same spot where Flat Stanley and I met the doorman, almost 70 years later. Unreal.
Here's a photo that I took on Oct. 24, so that you could see the doorman at work. I'm assuming that the other guy is a valet or bellman. All I know about hotels, I learned from those wonderful old black and white movies, so I could be completely wrong about that very tall young man.

Update: Mama continues to improve; we're all so glad for that. Duncan's problems have returned. We're going back to the vet in the morning.
That's a great looking doorman! I'm glad Mama is doing better. Poor little Duncan! He's sure having a rough time.
I can't imagine life with a doorman but I would like to try it for awhile!
That doorman looks thrilled with Flat Stanley!
I hope your doggie is feeling better! Nice photo of the doorman, what a good sport!
poor duncan - hope he improves.
That was sure nice of Jeff to pose with Stan. Looking forward to seeing Mama with you on your photo treks again. I hope the vet can help Duncan. He looks so cute in his bag.
Sorry, I missed commenting on your blogs lately. I always enjoy reading them regularly.
Precious photo of the doorman!
Glad about Mama. But oh poor Duncan. Good wishes to him, poor pup.
Too funny! The doorman holding the blue guy!
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