Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Volvo Deja Vu and a Windshield View


Feeling at home with this particular block on Burnside yet?

I took this photo Monday morning about 7:15 a.m. I'm facing south, standing in the parking lot in front of Walgreens (drugstore) and Wells Fargo (bank). The sliver of a building that you can see on the right is a Subway sandwich shop. And just to the right of the word Volvo, you see TriMet stop # 749 with its curved roof.

As I put away the camera, the 20 bus stopped, then drove away without noticing a young woman frantically running down the sidewalk, trying to catch it. I knew the 15 bus would arrive soon, so I crossed the street, got out my camera and took two more photos, snapping the last one as the bus pulled to a stop.

As I boarded and showed the driver my bus pass, he said, "That makes for a vivid picture, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it does," I answered and took my seat, making sure I could look out the windshield of the bus as we rolled down Burnside, until we turned right in front of The Civic.

Here's what disappeared from view but not from memory.



Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Oh, shucks. Well, at least you got a "vivid" shot of the street! >8D

Annie said...

Hello you early early bird. That's a wonderful pink sky but a way-too-busy street.

"Where is everyone going so early in the morning, asks the retired lady? Oh, did someone say work?"

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I love these crepuscular pictures with the lit headlights and the blurred cars! Very cool lighting! :-D

NorthBayPhoto said...

What a beautiful photograph of the sky and the skyscraper!! A very beautiful commute!

Thanks for visiting my NorthBayPhoto blog!

dot said...

Your pictures make city life look pretty nice!

Andrea said...

I prefer my quiet life in the country. But the lights are pretty.

Mary Helen said...

I love Portland, I grew up in Gresham, Sandy and Troudale, so Portland was my play ground.

It has grown so much that every time
we visit we get lost.


Rob said...

Great pics, this from the bus? Pretty street scene.

About the bridge, no, construction won't happen until December, I believe. A contracting firm has been hired, and we only recieved half of the funding. So the battle is what to do until the other half is dedicated. Politics as usual.

Chris said...

Beautiful sky in the bottom photo, Lynette! My first thought when I read that it was only 7:15 was that it was so dark at that time, but I guess you guys are on the western-most part of the time zone. . . .

AVCr8teur said...

Beautiful morning shot of the sky and the hustle & bustle of commuters going to work. I like early morning pictures because it promises opportunities of the day to come.

• Eliane • said...

Love those two pics - color scheme is so cool.

I am catching up on my blog reading as you can see - been so busy lately. I am enjoying my "trip" to Portland immensely/ :)