When I walked down NW Everett and across NW 17th Avenue on Monday morning, I grinned when I saw these sunflowers, still standing as straight and tall as they were the day I took this photo in August. In the last few weeks we've had some hard rain and/or gusty winds, and these sun-lovers persevere. Their slender stalks grow in a small corner yard, raised about two feet up from sidewalk level. A low wall supports the yard and frames the outer edge of the flower bed.
How beautiful. The other day in the North End (Italian neighborhood) I saw the cutest thing: someone had planted a giant sunflower in a terracotta pot which was by the entrance of a house. The plant had reached at least 7 feet and the flower was enormous. I wanted to take a photo but I would've needed a third hand! :) I hope they do it again next summer.
belle photo, avec un beau commentaire. Les tournesols sont de belles fleurs, et qui ont bien raison de se tourner vers le soleil, surtout en ce moment où il ne fait pas tres beau à Evry
beautiful photograph, with a beautiful comment. The sunflowers are beautiful flowers, and which are right well to turn to the sun, especially in this moment when the weather is not very nice in Evry
The sunflowers are collected here for some time
it is soon the Chrysanthemum
I love flowers, as you know, judging by the many photos of them on my blog. Sunflowers are so beautiful they instantly make me smile. This is a terrific shot - it evokes freedom of spirit.
Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo.
Your Love Coach
Lovely colors in these sundials
Funny what a post will remind you about ... Many years ago, in college I had a job fixing tractor flats. On one such repair job I drove past a field of planted sunflowers. As it was morning all the heads where facing east. The repair job was a difficult one requiring several hours. So on my way back into town it was late afternoon and all the sunflower heads were facing west ... thanks for the memory.
I love sunflowers! Beautiful stuff! You should check out my own sunflower pic over at: http://torundailyphoto.blogspot.com/2007/09/last-glimpse-of-summer.html
Thanks for the comment!
Let them keep smiling while they can!
Great photo and great flowers too! Reminds me of sunflower fields I've seen in the French countryside.
My neighbour had three sunflowers in his back last year - there is a picture of them on my Sithenah photoblog.
I love sunflowers. I believe there is a picture of a field of sun flowers somewhere on my blog.
Looking at the photo makes you feel warm and happy
Amazing colours and fantastic photo of the sunflowers!
I love sunflowers, so pretty! Nice capture! :-D
And they are perfect with two little friends in a vase: a ray of sunshine in your interior. :)
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