Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I thought I saw a golden tree. Tell me, please, do you agree?


That's Madison Street, with the vehicles. When I drove through the park Sunday night, going right to left, the street lights illuminated the leaves. I could not believe what I saw--the gingkos had started to change from green to gold. I'm extremely enthusiastic about these trees, so I warn you up front--I have gone overboard posting photos today because I wish for you to feel how I felt, in perfect awe of nature's beauteous changes.


Remember the tree from Monday's post, the one with the huge burl? I took this photo standing to the east of where I stood to take the other one. Are you as shocked as I am to see that it resembles a tuning fork from this angle? That small pile of leaves makes it look like someone raked a while, got tired, and walked away.


Now you can see the Thompson Elk Fountain from a different direction. Notice the traffic? I took these photos between 5:15-5:30 p.m. There's always loads and loads of traffic which is a great big reason why I ride the bus and/or walk. In fact, I rode a Number 4 across the Willamette, over the Hawthorne Bridge, about 15 minutes prior to the one in the next photo.


I think the curve of the sidewalk looks romantic. Not that I think the street sections that encircle the elk statue look that way. Do you think it's the chain-and-post barrier that makes it appear that way to me? Afterall, the curves follow the same line which you can see even better in the photo below.



Sidewalks segment both Chapman and Lownsdale Squares. This one goes from Madison northeast to Salmon at SW 3rd, in Lownsdale Square. Later on we'll go into detail about the monument in the circle. In the photo below, you see the same sidewalk, looking southeast.



The western edge of Lownsdale Square is SW 4th Avenue. In this photo, you're looking due south. Those are the same orange cones you saw in the first sidewalk photo. A remote van for a local TV station had placed wires across the sidewalks and lawns. Can you find the van in this photo?

Think back to yesterday's photo. Remember the green trees in a row, just to the left of the chain-and-post barrier? I took these next three photos standing beneath one of them, a gingko in the early stages of going from green to gold. I love the way it looks against the orange and rust-colored leaves of the taller tree. The wind blew just enough to move the green limbs, so I put the camera setting on sport. With that help, I managed to get some photos and/or portions of photos that I think turned out pretty good.





Mike's Travels said...

Beautiful, beautiful. I could sit there for hours!

Kerri Farley said...

I love trees too! These are absolutely gorgeous! You can never post too many tree pictures! Great job!

Jim Klenke said...

The colors are awesome. You find was worth the wait. I agree with Mike, I could sit in the park for hours and tune out everything outside of the park.

dot said...

Absolutely gorgeous pictures! These pictures really remind me of Mobile but Mobile would never have colors like this.

Anonymous said...

These are really nice photographs. I can almost see and smell the leaves there.

WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful photos of Fall's great display of color. I can see why you were in awe, and clicking the camera. Thanks for sharing.

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Very nice post. You live in a gorgeous area with so many different kinds of trees. The gingko leaves are so special, aren't they? Beautiful trees.

Olivier said...

Belle serie automnale, j'aime bien ce cerf sauvage au milieu du parc ;o).
Belle photo de la personne seule sur le banc

Beautiful autumn series, I like the wild deer in the middle of the park ;O).
Beautiful picture of the single person on the bench

Andrea said...

All those fallen leaves looks like fall. Beautiful pictures.

Sharon said...

Why yes, there may be two or three. :)

AVCr8teur said...

Those leaves sure change fast. I agree those are golden trees. I think I've been to that park when I visited Portland.

Marie said...

Magnifique! The fall is magic in the USA!

WendyB said...

A lovely series of photos.

ft. lauderdale daily photo said...

Golden glory. Such a nice series.

Anonymous said...

I definitely AGREE - a truly golden tree! Lovely.

Ming the Merciless said...

Amazing photos!!

Yes, the trees look golden.

Max-e said...

Wow, these trees are beautiful I am just glad that I do not have to rake up the leaves

smilnsigh said...

Yes you saw _many_ golden trees!!! Wonderful!
