New, as in the new window display at the Funny Bone Store on SW Washington between 6th and Broadway. These labels on these new-to-me BlueQ tin banks are a hoot. My photos are not as clear as I would like--I didn't have my tripod with me, darn it. So, if you want to see the labels up close and personal, go to one of these sites. The Funny Bone Store is at www.funnybonestore.com. If you click on What's in the Window? you'll get a short slide show of most of the banks. BlueQ is at www.blueq.com where you click on Tin Banks (on the left) and see the dozen different labels.

Hy Lynette,
Lovely work. So very unique to me from the other side of the world.
Just a thought - if you'd like me to show you a simple way to embed live links (for other sites or posts) just leave me your email address as a comment and I'll tell you how it's done. It's VERY simple ....
You're a clever chicky with your "N" photos. Love the tins.
What an interesting store. My N is for New too! :o)
Hi Lynette!
Thats a great kind of photography wow!
I love the lightning "funny Bone" hahaha That woud be something to hang at my door (just kidding)
I 've been tagged and I had to tagg 8 other persons:I hope you don't mind but me doing this, I tagged your blog, so more people will visit you than also (i Hope)You have a very great blog so therefore I tagged you!
Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs
So Good luck !!:)
With greetings from JoAnn
Those labels are hilarious! I like the Jesus one.
The last photo with the neon lights is beautiful!
I bet you could spend hours in there looking around. REally nice pictures. Of course the first thing that caught my eye was the money!
Great photos of the shop. Some of the sayings on the banks are quite humourous.
Thanks for visiting my NorthBayPhoto blog.
Brought back memories of Salvation Army Sunday school days!
My favorite place to look for a laugh is the Funny Times. In fact we have subscribed for years.
That's cool, I'll have to go and check it out.
I love seeing photos of my own city, very fun.
p.s. adding you to my ABC list.
Your photos are very good and clear especially the neon light.
Another fun ABC Wednesday post! Yay!
Your photos are fine. Great post, Lynette. That window display is wonderful.
Nice post. Thoroughly enjoyed it especially the neon light. Very nice.
Hi again :)
Just to let you know that I've updated my post with more info on the pyramids and a link to a post I did on them a few months ago.
Re: the Keystone's building name, I couldn't find much info. The building has a wedge shape, being narrower at one end so maybe that's why it was named that way.
You've inspired me to take my camera shopping. I'm such a fuddy duddy with my subjects. But I have a feeling you Americans have the edge when it comes to advertising.Super subject!
Hmmm, guess I am the only one who doesn't know what this ABC Wednesday thing is...
I did New as well.... very nice.
I agree with , kml, that last photo is great.
The photos came out great and clear enough for me to read, "Saving up for weed"! It reminds me a little of once when I saw a homeless person with a sign that said "Money for beer"...at least he was being honest.
Oh, I do like this kindo f things. One of them reads "I am saving up for some weeds", lol!!! :D
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