On Oct. 10 as I approached the building where I took the photo for my Oct. 5 post of the Mad Dog Garage, I thought, "Oh, so is it Allen's Radiator Shop? Or did it used to be Allen's?"

Once I crossed the street, I stopped right by that blue Park sign and took this photo so that you could see how the door, the wooden gear Mad Dog Garage sign, and the painted Entrance sign work together.
Oh, and I looked on the Web later that day--both businesses have phone numbers listed, not that I've called either one.
By the way, I took these photos six days before Tuesday's post of Jim Fisher Volvo, right about the same time in the morning--7:15 a.m. It's amazing to me how fast the days get shorter and shorter. Every once in a while the TV weatherman tells us how many minutes of sunlight we're giving up every day, but I can't remember hearing the number lately.
According to the WorldClock-thingy on my PDA, you're losing a round 3 minutes a day. 10hrs 35min today, 9hrs 53min by the end of the month and - horrors - 8hrs 25min on 21 Dec
NIce pictures. I keep thinking about Mad Dog's being one of those chop shops! lol. Yes I do have a wild imagination.
I've noticed the time difference in the evenings when I walk. I keep starting out earlier and still end up in the dark.
I am not looking at time here. I am looking at the sign on the door as before. Notice the garage doors are facing the dead end street where the entrance door is on a main street to get out quick in either direction. I stick with my last post about this door.....
"Looks like a "cover up" for some other type of business. BEWARE!"
Please keep us posted ........
So true, it gets dark sooner and sooner. I liked it when the sun was setting around 8pm!
I love it that you're coming back and showing more about a previous entry. I did the same thing today!
Mine is about 'the steps.' First entry was a view from the bottom. Today's a a view from the top. :-)
I had a similar mystery where I saw something unique at a business and had to go back for a second look. It was a pirate flag flying on top of a collision repair shop ... Actually I will often notice a photo opportunity and register the need to go back for a second look. It is one of the pleasure of our daily photo community.
I know what you mean about the days getting short. Just seems like in the past few days dusk comes at like 5!
On another note, you have been tagged! Please visit latest blog entry at http://hoodphotography.blogspot.com/2007/10/lens-day-automobile.html for more details!
That sunshine stat would depress me!
I like how you write about the photos - made me feel like I was there with you. thanks.
I like the photos and the stories that go with them. Thanks for letting me view Portland daily.
You have been tagged! You can go to my site at http://forkswadailyphoto.blogspot.com/ to see the guidelines. If you have been tagged before, you may ignore this, or think of 8 more things! :~}
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