This sunflower was among the many for sale at Pioneer Courthouse Square last week. I thought it fitting to show you such a pretty flower with a bit of sun shining on it since we're in the midst of some really beautiful, sunny days. In fact, we're forecast to have record-breaking heat in the Pacific Northwest this weekend.

I especially liked the care that was taken to showcase the sunflowers with the corn behind the rows of pots, along with whatever that is in front of them, shorter so that they don't detract. Do I see a cone-shaped bloom or some such among the green leaves?
I'm so very late posting because I decided to take a nap yesterday evening and never made it back to the computer then or this morning. I did manage to wake up last night and this morning to walk Duncan, our darlin' miniature dachshund and to go to work. I'm a good girl after all, raised right by a good mother. By the way, Mama and I and our nine windows and six fans are as ready for the heat as we can be.
These are the first sunflowers I've had the pleasure to see growing this summer. Nice!
wonderful photos there - i love that closeup!
I love sunflowers. You're great with plant/flower photos! Say hi to Mama!
Something about sunflowers always makes "Louis" smile! :-)
Lynette, in answer to your question Chez la Vache, go HERE. Enlarge the image and you'll see what you were asking about - it is part of the quay where Chevron unloads the oil tankers for the Richmond refinery.
"Louis" is a happy camper tonight - your sunny sunflowers are appropriate. "Louis" got a new Macintosh today and you are the first blogger he's posted a comment to on his new toy. Now don't you feel special? :-)
Well! You, too, are a Mac person! "Louis" has an iBook G4, but tonight he unpacked a new iMac. "Louis" is keeping the iBook, but upgrading from OS 10.4.11 to OS 10.5.2 like the new iMac has. "Louis" is also getting Time Capsule so he can back both Macs up easily.
Have you been having a problem with Safari (and/or Firefox) crashing while working in Blogger?
Thanks to you and others, I have fun trying to post things that may surprise some visitors; make others laugh a bit, but most of all make lots of people aware of things that might not know much about.
When somebody actually takes the time to write a comment on my blogs, about my work and what I do, that to me is the biggest gift a person can give another. It is like a smile on greeting; it is a welcome handshake, and it gives me and my family some hope that the funny farm is still in the future on down the road.
You, yourself, are an inspiration to me.
I come back not only to say, "thanks for visiting and leaving a comment" but a special thanks for taking the time to photograph interesting things of great beauty. Without that, blogging would be about as exciting as trying to scratch an itch in the right place at the wrong time.
So, thanks for stopping at my blog. And I hope you know, by now, that when you do, I will always try to visit your blog, in return, and leave a comment. I do read what people write and while I might not think your photography is ready for the biggie award—but it got my attention.
I do like the way they have set up their corn and sunflower display. A little touch that most would not give so much attention to.
Abraham Lincoln
oldmanlincoln in Brookville, Ohio
You sunflowers are so neatly lined up in a row. There is a huge sunflower field about a mile from my house. I have got to get over there and take some pictures before they die off.
Lovelt sunflowers - wish we could swap a bit of your heat for some of our rain - mid-summer and I've got the central heating on full! Got a nice lot of daisies and buttercups on the lawn though.
You have not chosen the smallest flower around! It must be some job to get a close-up of a full-grown specimen.
Sunflowers are such happy flowers, aren't they? You see fields of them here in France, faces turned to follow the sun. I always find that amazing. Love your photos. Such clarity.
Lynette, thanks so much for your kind comment on Menton. I would love to have been a journalist in another life... but it didn't happen, so your comment about photo-journalism made me realise I'm sort of doing it!
Nice photos. Thanks for sharing. And yes, we're also ready today to face mid to high 90s in the Portland area.
Hi Lynette! Back to blogosphere after another busy (and annoying) week… ;)
Great series with the flowers and the leaves; I see no reason why you shouldn't get the «biggie-award»! They're absolutely magnificent, including the Jamison Square pics!!
Meanwhile, thanks for your much appreciated comments at Blotrotter, still strolling in the streets of Santiago de Compostela...
Have a nice weekend!
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