Merriam-Webster: voluptuous: suggesting sensual pleasure by fullness and beauty of form. Lucy fits pretty well, in my estimation.
If you're of a mind to, please go to Mrs. Nesbitt's Place for loads of other ABC Wednesday blogs! Look at the list of links per Mr. Linky.
Y'all, my allergies are kicking my boo-tay hard. I'm about to eat some oatmeal after I finish this and chill in front of the TV to watch the Celtics hopefully beat the whooeee out of the Lakers. I'll catch y'all on the flip side.
UPDATED: The Celtics beat the whooeee outta the Lakers, and then some!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!
Ooh! Puppet boobs! I love Avenue Q, I listen to it on my iPod. Nice suggestion from Mama.
Haha, funny funny V post. Don't think anyone else will post about these!
This is great! Come and meet "my" Lucy - a totally different type of lady! ;D
Now that's a V!
This is a riot!! I love it.
And I'm a Celtic fan too!!
Sounds like the perfect assignment to me... Great V...
Ha,ha,ha you have a great sense of humour!
Oh my, Lucy is so very...fuschia.
This is too funny, great V picture.
What a Hoot!!! Gotta love moms don't you! Nice V!
Definitely did not expect to find that word for V here. Will wonders never cease?
"Louis" sees that you had the courage to post a photo of some UDDERLY bocacious ta-ta's. Mme. la Vache would kill him for doing this! :-)
Over at San Francisco Bay Daily Photo, we have Visions of Hell!
Va Va Vooom... Does Lucy come with strings attatched?
LOL! Haven't heard that word before so I had to look it up.
And the shot is a very good illustration;)
Great choice!
Petunia's ABC
Puppet nudity? Don’t tell me that Miss Piggy has gone the way of seemingly all child stars!
I think you win the prize for the most orriginal V post. This is a riot.
Definitey funiiest v post this week. Puppet porno almost.
Very good choice for V
Ha ha ha, nice post.
Full puppet nudity!!!!!
I am blushing. LOL Interestin yet unusual V post. I missed out on posting a "V" with my busy schedule.
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