Thursday morning I boarded the 20 bus in front of the Volvo place and rode ten blocks east on Burnside, downhill.
I got off at SW 12th, to walk a different route part of the rest of the way to work. First I thought I had lucked out and could get a shot of a big ol' crane, swinging its bucket out over an I-don't-have-a-guess-how-many-stories-deep hole. I could not move fast enough, doggone it. A few steps later, I spied something I've been wanting to photograph for you. Two double tandem dump trucks, just sitting there in the middle of the street, waiting.
By the way, the golden gingko trees in the background stand in front of the church where the "ABC Wednesday J is for Joy" bride and groom wed back in September.
Does that Lay's delivery van look rather larger than normal to you?

I crossed at the corner and walked about half a block, then turned to take a photo of the trucks, looking north. The lead truck had moved down beside the crane, and the second truck had stopped at the crosswalk. Would that I could have seen and photographed what the scoop scooped, then dumped!
I'll still be on the look out for my favorite double tandem dump truck. When I get that photo for you, I'm certain that you'll understand immediately why I say favorite.
I've seen large dump trucks in the greater Boston area, some of them are very wide too, but never double tandem ones.
I'm sure you'll get a shot of your favorite DT dump truck soon (with matching street accessories, I'd bet! :D ).
(Thank you for the very kind words you left on my view from the top of the obelisk post. :)
Thank you for always searching for unique pictures for us to feast our eyes on. Happy Hunting!
I like the second picture with the procession of white trucks going to work.
BTW, there was an article about Portland in the NYT a few days ago: In Portland, Cultivating a Culture of Two Wheels.
:) These are the mysteries that are in plain view. What in the world can two trucks that size could be carrying from a place that does not look like there is anything out of place? The Lays truck? Well, it must be carrying 'super sized' portions.
Outside of the city I guess you've got the roads for these monster double-trucks. I wouldn't care to meet one on our twisty rural roads.
I like the store on the corner, Ma & Pa Grocery or Ma & Pa Market if you read the sign.
Those are some big dump trucks. Bigger than Tonka ever made. I call that a big man's toy.
Hi Lynette,
One could carry lots and lots of stuff in or out of an area in trucks like these. When you use the word "scoop" though I immediately think of cat litter. Surely that's not what was needing pickup there!
You asked about Patsy's remark about Dog Chapman. I had asked her on her blog what she was talking about when she made a few comments about Chapman and she was answering my question. I haven't been a follower of the antics of the Dog or his family.
Double tandem dump trucks. Wow!!!
I have never seen such trucks here. And a Lay's delivery!!!!!! I think we don't have them.
Came here to make sure the comment I left last night was posted (been forgetting to click "publish" lately, you know...) and what do I see??? What do I see, huh??? You already got matching street accessories on the top photo! Yup. Four exact-same-shade-of yellow items. And then you tell me I am something else?
I have seen dump trucks like this but usually not being used inside the city though. Great photos of the city at work.
Thanks for visiting my NorthBayPhoto blog. To answer your question: flew level for most of the flight and no worries about the motion sickness as I didn’t include any photos from when we hit a bit of “troubled” air.
Yeah!!! This is kids' stuff!!!!
Lynette, tks for your kind thoughts. The crisis has passed Eastern England, but you may have seen that the old harbour centre of Hamburg was flooded
I haven't seen dump trucks like this before. cool photo.
Starchips became recently Lay's in RO (merge & aquisition process, I suppose :) ). ANd huge trucks like this are to be seen here too.
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