Lotus Cafe and Cardroom, before the end of daylight savings time, October 25, approximately 5:15 p.m.

Sunset, after the end of daylight savings time, November 7, approximately 5 p.m.

Lotus Cafe and Cardroom, after the end of daylight savings time, November 6, approximately 5:15 p.m.
Time change makes a difference.
Read a bit about the Lotus Cafe and Cardroom here.
The whole thing is wrong. We should divide the day differently. For me the perfect day would be: 12 of rest, six hours of leisure, six hours of work (which shall never start before 10:00 AM). ~8D
The sunset picture is beautiful.
Looks like a fun place to dine. I like how you took the pictures at different days. You can really see the impact of daylight savings time. Now if you can only get the same guy to walk by like in your first photo. :P
The cars may not be the same, but they're all line up, ready for the owners when they finish their meals. Interesting time display!
The sunset photo is stunning.
It is hard leaving work when it is dark. And it will just get more difficult until the Winter solaces then the days will quickly grow longer.
c'est une bonne idée de photo, bravo elles sont très belles
It is a good idea to photograph, bravo they are very beautiful
Beautiful sunset! Yes, it is sooo dark around 5pm now. Makes me want to get home from work fast and have soup!
I would enjoy being inside the cafe, playing cards, anytime of the day or night. I guess daylight savings time really doesn't influence me that much now that I'm not working.
What an amazing sunset :) Only nature can produce such marvel.
I just love the mural!
Interesting grouping of photos. To show time change, graphically.
But I like to be back on Nature's time. :-)
nice play with the light!
Wonderful sunset, Lynette!
Sure a very lovely serie ...
Congratulations Lynette !
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