Mama and I are in the car, driving east on Everett, headed for the Steel Bridge. Our goal? Cross the Willamette River and head for Marsha's, to pick her up for the Hood River Fruit Loop Tour. My camera and Flat Stanley rest in the backseat of the Buick, safe inside a tote bag.
We hadn't gone two blocks before I spied something odd on the street in front of us. Well, not so odd for Portland because I've seen this sort of rolling sign here other times. I've even seen (and missed the chance to photograph, doggone it!) a rolling Ikea room.
"Oh," I groan. "My camera's in the back seat." Mama looks over her left shoulder and calmly states the truth: "I can't reach it."
Instantly I realize that when I stop at a stop sign, I should be able to jump out and grab the tote bag, as long as there is no vehicle right behind me. And that's exactly what I do, seven blocks later. Above you see the photo that I took a couple of blocks after that when I stop at the next four-way stop.
And here's the photo I took just before we drove up onto the approach to the bridge.

One of the things I love about Portland, among the many, many things, is being in the street in the car alongside mass transit entities--bus, streetcar, MAX--or approaching an intersection where mass transist is about to cross in front of me. At this particular intersection, here's the Buick, behind a bus. A block in front of us, the MAX lines cross the street and continues to the left, up onto the Steel Bridge.
It may sound silly that such a mundane thing as mass transit makes me love Portland, but it does.
It's the hustle and the bustle of city streets that interest me, for a little while at least. Unusual signs like that one certainly would amuse me.
Make sure Flat Stanley is buckled in. I love those sign cars. I've seen some roaming around on the highways before. How do you drive and take photos at the same time?
Interesting stuff as usual Lynette! Well spotted!
A decent mass transit system is one of the things I miss from up north.
Isn't it fun to be going down the road and spot something that makes you have to get that camera out? Blogging........what a wonderful hobby.....or is that addiction?
Makes interesting reading while you are in traffic.
You have to take the prize today, for being the most dedicated photographer among us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now be careful out there, with jumping in and out of cars and such. :-))))
First I had to *worry* about you leaning out your apartment window too far. Now I have to *worry* about you hopping in and out of the car, on the highway. Ekkkkkkk!!! -giggles-
But why am I *worrying*? You have your own Mama to scold you!!! :-))))
for sure a picture is worth a thousand words, but words mean also a lot. thanks for the stories next tot the photos!
The must unique photo opportunity I missed while driving was a car pulling a casket. Seriously this was not a joke. Someone had a small trailer with a casket ... But I missed the photo and I have never seen it again.
Well, when the weather gets smoother again, you'll have to switch the car for a bike... to be a true Portlander! ;)
An Ikea room, huh? Sounds like it could be a traffic hazard :-0
I totally understand where you're coming from when you say that you love Portland partly for the mass transit system. Makes total sense to me.
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