Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Leading up to ABC Wednesday: R is for round and in a row.


Barricades on SW 3rd Avenue, in front of the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse. This building is directly across the street from Lownsdale Square Park, the park that is north of the Thompson Elk Fountain.


Isadora said...

...and A is for accident...i'm looking at the bike in the middle of the road. hmm

Jim Klenke said...

HAHA, Isadora is funny. I like the single file, as far as you can see down the road.

Andrea said...

That is a good "R" for ABC Wednesday. And Rather early. I am still debating on my "R" for tomorrow.

WendyB said...

Cool shot.

Kerri Farley said...

Wow - 2 R's in one shot! Very neat! To be barricades...they sure do look interesting.

Great post!

Olivier said...

l'infini sur un trottoir ;o)

Infinity on a sidewalk ;o)

Gwen said...

Cool silvery image, very metallic! Like how the greyish tones in street, pavement and building seem same color family.

Denton said...

I like the "in a row" aspect of this photo. However, I have always avoided taking photos of barricades. I guess it is okay to take one photo but I would advise against taking several photos from different angels then visit again the next day for more photos. That might be viewed as suspicious.

smilnsigh said...

Oh yes, round is right! Great eye here. At least I think that's how to say it. 'eye'


dot said...

Nice picture! Now I'll be waiting to "see" the "rest of the story"!

Anonymous said...

I really like the effect in this picture. I wonder what it would look like in black and white?

Bettey said...

How "Portland"!!! BTW, I love the Thompson Elk Statue!

Mike's Travels said...

Great! Lovely perspective.

• Eliane • said...

Oh, I like this! And finally, one of Portland legendary cyclist!! I was starting to think it was an urban legend.

SandyCarlson said...

Great photo. The monochomatic effect is really stunning.

I'm glad I'm nowhere near these, though. I'd probably trip over them!

ft. lauderdale daily photo said...

Cool color and shapes.

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Hey, those make great sidewalk stools! Well, maybe not... You might wind up with a burnt/frozen tush. Oops!

But they look great, love the way you've captured them. Very slick street accessories ;D.

Lilli & Nevada said...

What a great post i love the way you got the photo.

Web-OJ said...

Superb angle