One of my favorite photos of my little Mama and Duncan, the darlin' dachshund. I took it July 1, 2007. We'd been in Portland since, June, 2006, and lived in the Presidential Court Apartments at NW 22nd and NW Everett since October, 2006. Our first apartment, in Southeast Portland, had sold in September, 2006, to be converted into condos. Not what we wanted, period. We lucked out and found this great place where we lived until Mama died in January, 2011; Duncan preceded her in June, 2010. They're out for a walk, as you can tell. Mama's a responsible dog owner, as you can see. Love those two so very much and still miss them to this day. Thank goodness for my camera and all of the chances that I got to take photos of them!
That's our building they're walking towards, with the trimmed green hedges alongside NW 22nd Avenue. We lived on the top floor, the fourth floor, in the corner apartment that looks down onto the intersection of NW 22nd and NW Everett. All three of us thoroughly enjoyed our lives in that apartment. I drove by in the last few months and noticed that all of the hedges are gone, replaced by wimpy looking, sparsely placed cedars, I'm guessing, with some sort of shorter bush in between them. I'll show you other landscaping that is gone in an upcoming post. I'm partial to the way it was.
A good photo to have- lots of memories, too.
Daschies are such a good kind of dog to have.
Cute shot.
This is a swell picture of Mama and Duncan.
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