March 5, 2011. 2248 N.E. Glisan. Those signs across the front demanded that I take a photo or two.

March 5, 2011. Interesting that the front of that car, that bumper cover or whatever you call it, sort of matches the color of the house. Hmmm. Do you suppose it is Rose Ivory De Vine's vehicle?
May 6, 2015. After hearing from Janessa last week that the house with all the signs about the psychic was gone, I decided to head that way on one of my walks Wednesday. I could see the chain link fence from the corner of Albertina Kerr's front yard, where I shot the photos posted yesterday of the tiny cairn that I built.
Here's some info I found online, about the house having been sold in November, 2014. This 1064 sqft single family home has 2 bedrooms and 1.0 bathrooms. It is located at 2248 NE Glisan St Portland, Oregon. Facts Lot: 4,500 sqft Single Family Built in 1923 Last sold: Nov 2014 for $805,000
And here's something I found online about the plans for the lot where this house stood, as well as the lot next to it to the west, where another house had also stood since 1923.
Proposal: The applicant is proposing mixed use development at this 8,460 square foot site currently developed with two homes. The project will consist of an apartment building with 35 dwelling units and 2 ground floor live/work units. The building will have 7 parking spaces located at the rear of the ground floor and accessed from NE Glisan Street. Mixed use buildings are an allowed use in the CS (Storefront Commercial) zone which has a height limit of 45 feet. The proposal consists of an overall 4 - story building and a partial 5 th floor containing 4 - units located on the front half of the building facing NE Glisan Street. The height of the building measures 54.5 feet to the top of the 5th floor dwelling units. The rear portion of the building measures 43.5 feet to the top of the 4th floor dwelling units. The building is set back a minimum of 3 feet from the side property lines and 11 feet from the rear. The applicant proposes one Adjustment to increase the maximum allowed height from 45 feet to 54.5 feet for the 5th floor dwelling units located on the NE Glisan - facing side of the proposed building. As rationale for the proposed Adjustment, the applicant points to the relation of the site to NE Sandy Boulevard and the Main Street Corridor Overlay Zone which allows residential buildings that front on NE Sandy Boulevard to be up to 65 feet in height.
The following administrative decision was issued on July 22, 2014: Approval of an Adjustment to 33.130.210 to increase the maximum allowed height from 45 feet to 54.5 feet, in substantial conformance with the approved site plans, Exhibits C - 1 through C - 2, signed and dated July 18, 2014, subject to the following conditions: A. As part of the building permit application submittal, each of the 4 required site plans or included as a sheet in the numbered set of plans. The sheet on which this information ap pears must be labeled "ZONING COMPLIANCE PAGE - Case File LU 14 - 157812 AD ." All requirements must be graphically represented on the site plan, landscape, or other required plan and must be labeled "REQUIRED."
A January 27, 2015, article about the sale and proposed plans for these two lots, read when you click here.
A May 1, 2015, article about the demolition of the two homes and plans for these two lots, read when you click here.
An October, 29, 2014, Portland city government Bureau of Development Services' final notice about the appeal of an earlier decision, read when you click here and see the architectural drawings for the building to be erected on the site.
That last link takes you to the most interesting info about what is planned for these two lots which are probably 500 feet from the building where I live--it includes site plan, architectural drawings.

The two houses which have been demolished. The short video that I shot shows what's there now, behind the chain link fence. I wonder what the building will be named.
The place had history. Whatever replaces it had better fit into the area.
It's too bad they had to destroy the houses, which I think could be really nice if restored properly. They certainly got a pretty penny for that house where the psychic was though!
Those are very cute houses.
Neighborhoods change for good or for bad. Wow... $805,000? Amazing what it'll get you.
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