That is one of the Adirondack chairs you've seen in other Schreiner's Iris Gardens' posts. It gives you some idea of how huge these leaves are on this gunnera!

The birdhouse on the pole gives you an idea, too.

This stuff is part of it, too.

Massive even though these leaves have not yet opened.

What could have made this grow in a curve?

Here's Leland in another Adirondack chair--he's not quite six feet tall--for more perspective.

And here's Leland taking a photo, more perspective. You'd have to have a really big yard to include a gunnera.

Hosta beside the path to the backyard of the house between the front gardens and the demonstration gardens.

These leaves capture sunshine so beautifully!

I really like the hosta beside the rhododendron.
I can't belive how big that leave is.
Lovely images, Lynette. That plant is humongous! (And I am a big hosts fan . . . have many in my West Hartford yard.)
That plant is massive!
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