Mama's doing a tad better, as she puts it. We're so thankful for that, even if her blood pressure remains too high. The doctor said they're still working on controlling it with medicine. Hopefully tomorrow we'll know what is next for her.
I took this photo on Dec. 6 after we'd been to the Bagdad to see "The Bourne Ultimatum." That's Lamont, Lindsay and Leland. Don't they look grand, standing at the Bike Parking Oasis on the corner of SE 38th and Hawthorne?
Those three young people have played a big part in keeping me sane this week, helping out so very much with Mama. Besides taking Mama to the ER, twice (Leland) and coming to the ER to check on Grandma as soon as they got off work last Sunday night (Lamont and Lindsay); visiting repeatedly (all three); asking pertinent questions and remembering the answers(all three); loving both of us immensely (all three), there's also this-- Leland has been driving our car part of the time, Lindsay's car the rest of the time, back and forth to work and school since the middle of November. Now that I need the car to get quickly from home or work to the hospital, Lindsay's letting him use her car as often as he needs it. She's riding one of Leland's bicyles or her own bicycle to work and to the hospital to visit Grandma. Lamont does that, too. Leland rides his other bike to the hospital. They're amazing, flat out amazing.
The Bike Parking Oasis is one of several around the city, offering covered bike parking on a newly widened sidewalk, in a space the size of one and one half automobile parking spaces. Where to people park their bicycles in your city?
L must be your Lucky Letter!
Thanks for emailing me the status of Mama. Let her know your blogger friends wish her well. Perhaps FS can keep her company at the hospital. Riding a bike to the hospital. It sounds too cold.
Glad Mama is doing better. Looks like everyone is looking to Be Seen like the sign. Great pic.
Cute picture of the young folks. I'm glad they are helping you out.
Those are handsome children!
Hope mama is doig better.
To aswer your question; In Rotterdam everyone parks their bikes everywhere. On the pavement. off the pavementn anywhere.
content que ta maman va mieux, et il est important d'avoir des amis autour de soit dans des moments comme ceux là.
Evry n'est pas une référence pour les vélos, malheureusement ;o(
Happy that your mom is doing better, and it is important to have friends around or in times like this.
Evry is not a benchmark for bikes, unfortunately ;o(
J'ai eu un Award "You make my day" (voir mon blog). J'ai le plaisir de te donner ce même prix.
I had an Award "You make my day" (see my blog). I am pleased to give you the same price.
Je voulais aussi dire que cet Award etait a partagé avec Flat Stanley (de la part d'amedée)
I also wanted to say that the Award was shared with Flat Stanley (from amedée)
You are truly blessed to have such nice looking people to help you.
I live in the country so I have never noticed where or even if bicycles park in the cities close to me.
Handsome and beautiful young people. And they must be beautiful on the inside too. For being so good to you and to Mama, at this difficult time.
Hugs all round,
I've just now read for the first time of Mama not being well. I will pray for her. I will check back.
Guelph Daily Photo, Pat's Photo-a-Day
Wow! Mama is lucky to have 4 special L's in her life!!
Glad she is doing better!
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