In October the hedges to the left of our building's front door caught numerous falling leaves. Those leaves provided the perfect landing spot for moisture, gathered and shaped into beads--hanging tenaciously, giving gravity what for.
Tenacious--persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired, according to Merriam-Webster online. Sounds like us.
I hope you're enjoying some of my older photos because I'm hard-pressed to get to take many right now.
Here's the latest:
Mama made it OK through a busy day--PT, a shower including washing her hair, and the trip to the neurologist. Lamont and Lindsay met her there. The man was new to us--the hospital neurologist, as we understand it, doesn't see patients anywhere but the hospital, so this doctor is her counterpart. Anyway, he checked her out thoroughly, Lamont told me, and told her he thought she was doing pretty well, to continue with her physical therapy and come back to see him in a month. That's when Mama asked him, "Do you mean I have to stay there for a month?" And the doctor replied, "You'll be better off if you do." Mama told me she guessed she'd just have to accept that. Her voice sounded convinced, not breaking or wavering. Lamont told me that doctor doesn't really know his grandmother and what she just might be able to do. I'd like to believe that myself, but with the messy weather and the dog's diarrhea and work and laundry and needing to rest, I haven't laid eyes on her since Saturday; she's been extremely understanding and supportive. Her voice is good on the phone; she doesn't sound confused; she's remembering things and telling them to my Aunt Baker on the phone, then later on when she talks to me, she tells me the same stuff. I'm more hopeful than I've been in weeks.
I finally got through to the vet's this morning around 8:30 a.m. and asked how's Duncan. I was told he's ready to go. I asked if he's over his diarrhea. I was told for the most part. I told the woman that I'd come after work. For the most part? What's that mean? My brother said is that like being sort of pregnant? Anyway, after work I got in the car and drove the 12 miles to the vet. That little guy was as happy to see me as I was to see him. The woman said that his poop was firming up, that I should give him a quarter tablet of a 2 mg. immodium two times a day, then I paid, got his coats on him and took him outside for a walk before we got into the car. It was snowing great big wet snowflakes which was really pretty. What wasn't pretty was the diarrhea Duncan had after he peed. So, I put him into the car and went back inside to ask for written proof that he's not contagious so that I could look for a doggie day care in my own neighborhood--it's 15 miles to the vet; we've kept going there because we started there, we took out the wellness plan which has saved us a great deal of money, and we like the people there. The vet said that no where would take Duncan with his diarrhea eventhough he's not contagious and offered to keep him there again tonight.
I sat in the car talking with Mama, snow falling all around but not sticking right then. We decided that I'd drive towards her building and that I'd call again as I got closer. The snow kept up for some miles, then turned into snowy rain or rainy snow. Still, she told me to go on home and get some rest. That's just what I'm going to do in a little while. I had to go to the grocery store then drive around for a while, looking for a parking space. Thankfully I found one half a block from the door! I ate supper, washed the dishes, put some sweet potatoes and Yukon golds in the oven to bake, took some ham slices out of the freezer--I'm trying to eat normally, not just peanut butter sandwiches--and sat down to work on the blog for a bit.
Old or new all of your photos are wonderful, including todays.
What a beautiful leaf shot! Sounds like Mama is doing good. Hope you can get Duncan straightened out.
be good to yourself and take a bit of breather whenevr you can.
Better to leave Duncan at the vet till he's 100% well. I don't like that they tried to send him home with you.
ta photo est très belle, par contre désolé mais mon anglais ne me permet pas de tout comprendre de ton post. J'espère que ta maman va mieux.
Your picture is very beautiful, in contrast sorry but my English does not allow me to understand any of your post. I hope your mother is doing better.
What a poetic picture, well done!
Wow those beads of moisture are great. Beautiful. Glad Mama is feeling better. Tell her I am still praying for her. God bless you both.
That older photo is beautiful. We completely understand how you are stretched way too thin now.
So glad about Mama's progress and attitude. Sorry about Duncan's problems. Not sure... but I think they kept him another night. Which seems logical.
And sooooo glad to hear that you are trying to take care of yourself. It's only logical, you know. :-)
Hang in there!
I liked all the photos on your first page, especially the roses.
From one worry to another! I love how you took this pictue....nicely done. Glad to hear you mom is better...and poor Duncan...hope he is better soon.
great shot!
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