I like how the colors of the eggs stand out from the bland, gray egg cartons.

There's a sturdy delicacy in the colors of this bouquet, dichotomy of those two words be damned.

All I see here is a juxtaposition of robust colors with pastels. I'm not certain that I like the combination.

One view of the bouquet-makers at work.

A second view of the bouquet-makers at work.

Not only the colors, but also the design, on this rolling bag caught my eye. It's a miracle that I managed to get a clear shot of it as the young man walked away from me. Hundreds and hundreds of people walked every which way.

When I walked back by here about ten minutes later, almost all of the purple things had been sold. Are they giant turnips? I have no idea and didn't stop to ask, nor did I think to photograph the sign. Google and my search word skills to the rescue. I typed in odd looking purple root vegetable and discovered this is kohlrabi. Those root vegetables beside them may be French pink radishes. My best guess, based on a quick search of carrot-shaped radish and finding a photo that looks similar, including the greenery which resembles none I ever seen on carrots.
Lovely flowers, and the market looks very busy!
Those are some beautiful flowers! Definitely a very busy place on a Saturday :)
Wow, fantastic flowers!
I hope for more sunny days and more flowers out in our garden soon.
Did you buy some?
You a great eye for photography mom! The colors are amazing!
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