My lower legs, ankles, feet, shoes, and socks carried the rest of me two blocks east, one block south, two blocks west, around Albertina Kerr, and back across the street to home.

My first stop, Providore Fine Foods, where I bought two chicken breasts, never frozen, and a container of medley tomatoes--several sorts of cherries and other small tomatoes. I do not intend to have to go to Fred Meyer this weekend. By the way, I had to enter through this partially open door since I arrived right at 9:30 a.m. and no one had yet unlocked the door. This is a photo I took a few weeks ago when we had brilliant blue skies which I wish we had today. Alas, it is May in Portland and lately our weather has been spectacular which makes anything at all bearable.

On that block south, I noticed these lovely flamingos advertising Pie Spot where one finds fabulously-crusted-and-filled delights, sweet and savory. So happy they weren't open yet because the brown sugar pecan pie tempts the hell outta me.

Across the parking lot, here's more exciting art--a mural I know nothing about other than I like it! Next to 24th and Meatballs, a place I've only eaten at once back four years ago when they opened. I didn't care for it, at all, so I've not spent any more money there.

See what I mean by exciting art! Here's a close up for y'all to enjoy!

I sat at a picnic table on the sidewalk at the end of the block and took this photo looking west along the rest of the micro-restaurant pod known as The Ocean. I have no idea why. I've only eaten at the last restaurant in the row, Slow Burger. It's pretty good but doesn't call my name very often.

Across the corner, a shop I've never been in--I don't drink wine--but I like their windows a whole lot!

Around the corner as I headed back west, I noticed some lovely roses on a shrub/tree beside the steps up to an apartment building. Well, it might be condos for all I know. It has a locked wrought iron gate on a wrought iron fence which keeps folks who don't belong out of the courtyard. I'm still learning how to use my Olympus E-M5II that I got last October, and it took me several tries to get a photo I could live with. What do you think? Is it OK?

The peonies look heavy-headed alongside one of the driveways to the Albertina Kerr parking lot.

For perspective on our spring, the peonies on March 27.

And the peonies on April 16.
Now for random roses at Albertina Kerr. I'm blessed to have these across the street!

And the crow who joined me for a few seconds.
The roses are really beautiful, and what a difference time makes!
Thanks for the tour! Your flowers are awesome especially the yellow one.
I love your colorful neighborhood! It was a pleasant walk with so many flowers.
I'm so glad to see you posting again; I have been concernend about you...
Best regards, Mr. B
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