Sunday, December 28, 2008

Saga of the changing snow toupee on the red truck

We're going backwards in time here, starting with a bald red truck, on Saturday, Dec. 27, a week after the first photo below. The truck certainly looks clean, to have been buried beneath snow for a solid week!
Blurry, early morning shot from Dec. 26, as I left the building to head to work. I couldn't resist this much smaller version of the snow toupee.
Christmas Day reveals a bit of a receding hairline for the snow toupee on the red truck's passenger side.
This photo taken one week ago today shows how much snow rested in the pickup's bed as well as accentuating the toupee-look, from the back window up. It sort of reminds me of that haircut, I think it was called a fade. Anyone? Anyone?
About 12 hours later, look how much snow has stacked up on the truck!
Saturday, Dec. 20 and the first photo I took of the red truck with a light coating of snow. I think it ended up snowing four to six inches that day.

Thank you for your indulgence of all the snow photos. I'm saving some other snow shots for later in the week. The D50 will soon be off for it's check-up, cleaning, etc. I don't want to use up all of my photos too quickly. I do have the CoolPix L12 to use to take photos, but it's certainly far from the same process. I'll make it just fine, though, because I know how important it is for the D50 to be serviced.


Jim Klenke said...

In the last photo, are those wires above ground or ruts in the road? Looks like both. And who had to get out and drive? I see one empty spot.

Rob said...

Snow! Ah more is expected here in MN. Cool idea to shoot the red truck's snow toupee. I'm finding the weather here in MN uninspiring to take photos.

Hope you had a great Christmas!

Z said...

We had snow several times, but it all melted away in a few days. Now it's pretty cold and my intentions of going out to take photos of the lights before they're taken down are history. Ah well...

Lynette, I wish you and your family a very good 2009! Thank you for your visits to Villigen, they're much appreciated.

George Townboy said...

Beautiful series of shots detailing the snow adventures of Lynette, the awesome, caring, camera Momma. I know how much you'll miss the D50 while it's away!

Tanya Breese said...

Haha, snow toupee, that's cute! I love being able to see the comparisons, dang, that's alot of snow!

bitingmidge said...

I'm sure you understand that all that white stuff is completely beyond my comprehension!

And that's why I love looking at your pictures of it!

Sunshine Coast Daily - Australia

brian stout said...

very funny post!