Looking southwest towards Burnside, the street on the left, and towards SW Morrison, the street on the right.

Looking west, at Burnside, as it ascends the hill I mentioned yesterday, the one that the bus most likely didn't continue to climb, instead turning right at the next corner where you can see the front wheel of a vehicle waiting to turn out onto Burnside. Not this bus, though, the bus in yesterday's post. This bus went on up the steep, curvy hill.

Waiting at the bus stop, for the 15 or the 20. She crossed from the other side of Burnside as I did, almost slipping down in her tiny-heeled boots.

Properly dressed for the extremely cold weather. I know, though, that this man and his dog are homeless because I saw them Sunday night on the news, being interviewed about getting into a warming shelter for the night. He said that he and his dog needed to stay together, and the particular shelter they were in allowed pets with their people. The man had a cot, his dog had a kennel. Thank goodness.

Chains on a pickup, headed east on Burnside.

The most odd vehicle I've seen, driving across the icy Walgreens parking lot. And, lo and behold, I think I saw it again today, about 21 hours later, parked in a lot that the 15 bus goes by. Weird.

Still waiting for the bus, a total of about 25 minutes in a blustery, of and on windy situation. Cold. Don't ask me why the tights, mini dress, mini coat, tiny little boots. I don't have a clue and I couldn't bring myself to ask once we were on the bus. I figured I'd embarrass myself with my incredulity being all over my face and in my voice. I did, however, thoroughly understand the way the other woman dressed for the weather. Smart.

I started to get on this 15 after work today, but when I noticed the other 15 right behind it, I knew it would be practically empty, so I waited for it. In about 15 minutes, I got off at Fred Meyer to shop for last minute staples and the stuff that I need for two pot lucks coming up at work, one on Friday, one on next Monday. I'm planning ahead because the forecast is dire. Right now it's 22 in Portland, wind chill is 14. Tomorrow the weather schedule is snow, freezing rain, rain, then more snow. And more snow coming on Saturday. This is in Portland and lots of Washington and Oregon; it is not regular winter weather here.

I got off the bus with the rolling black bag stuffed with groceries and another tote bag, plus two plastic grocery bags. I had to put it all down on the icy sidewalk and take this photo, though, because the sign taped to the pole had shocked me so when I'd first seen it last night. I didn't get off there last night, but rode one more block so that I would be that much closer to the druggist where I had to pick up Mama's prescriptions.

The sign gives me sad news. The stop that I used 99 percent of the time is closing. I understand TriMet's reasoning, though.

How's this for a shot of the ice that Sunday's snow has become? I'm standing at the corner of NW 22nd and Burnside, with my back to Burnside. This sidewalk leads to my apartment building. I made it just fine, thanks to the trusty Yak Trax!

KGW Newschannel 8 is calling this weird winter weather the Arctic Blast. You know how news organizations like to title events. Now the weather man Matt Zafino is saying that we made it to 32 today at the airport. I went out at lunch time, walked to a nearby Goodwill Super Store and thought it felt much warmer than on Monday--thank goodness. He's explaining what causes freezing rain and where the lows will go tomorrow, influencing our weather. Lots of snow forecast for the ski areas. Here in Portland it's supposed to be 15 at 7 am., 31 at noon, 34 at 5 p.m. and from one to four inches of snow. And snow could come again on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday--my goodness!
I like the ice up there. We had ice yesterday. The first sign of ice and Dallas panics.
Nice shots and great blog, thanks for sharing! :-)
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