Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow See-Saw

At lunch time, I stepped for a few moments out onto the roof garden, to take a few photos of the blowing snow. I like this one the best. Remember the Marquam Bridge coming out of the fog? Here it is again, disappearing in the snow.
Here's the same sidewalk I photographed last night, the last photo on the post. You can see that the icy snow remains, but can you tell that the off-and-on-again snowy rain that fell most of the day turned it somewhat slushy? The temp made it above freezing for several hours, but it's supposed to freeze again tonight, so who knows what the morn will bring?
I went to work ready for any eventuality, wearing two pairs of pants, my black rubber boots with the Yak Trax on their soles, two raincoats, a scarf, a knit hat and one pair of gloves. On the way home, I had all of that on again, except I put on the Los Lonely Boys cap instead of the knit hat--I figured I might need the bill to keep the rain off my glasses. There was a bit of it, but nothing bad. I am really looking forward to being able to go outside wearing less outerware and without the ever-present presence of fear, fear of falling.


Jill said...

Hi Lynette, just catching up a little. Love your snow chronicle. Hope you stay steady on your feet.

Jim Klenke said...

I have the fear of someone seeing me fall.

WendyB said...

Something about wearing two pairs of pants really impresses me.

Neva said...

It looks very similar here.....and we are expecting more snow/ice is one of the snowiest winters we have had in a great many years...I forgot what the radio announcer said!!!love your shots!and 2 pairs of pants is right up my alley!

AVCr8teur said...

I was going to say your first photo looked like the one in the fog. What a difference a few weeks make. You were sure brave to venture out onto the roof in that weather.