A view of the wrought iron gate on the east side of Pioneer Courthouse Square, this one taken on February 28, 2009, of an ongoing fashion shoot. Don't miss the eyes of the woman walking by on the sidewalk. It's obvious that the last thing she expected to have flying into her peripheral vision were several arms and hands.

Another view of the wrought iron. I took this one after work on April 20, 2012. I have no idea why the wrought iron glows a teal color. Nor do I understand why it looks soft and fuzzy.
From Pioneer Courthouse Square's Web site: Portland Hotel Gate - Located where it once stood at the original Portland Hotel entry, the exquisite gate is directly across from Pioneer Courthouse. The wrought iron gate and fence are believed to have been designed by McKim, Mead and White, architects of the Portland Hotel. During the hotel's history only one president, Warren Harding, did not pass beneath this lovely feature.
Congratulations, you've captured the moment perfectly.
The teal color looks cool.
Two fine but very different photographs for us today, Lynette.
I was drawn to her right off.
Love the expression on the face of the woman in the background. Looks like she is ready to run.
Wonder what his shot looked like? Shooting a shooter, I love it! and love doing it too!
This is a great looking fence. Im looking to get a wrought iron fence in Waterloo here pretty soon! I would want it to look similar to this!
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