June 4, 2008, during the Rose Festival, I took this photo standing on the west side of the Willamette River beneath the Marquam Bridge. The upper deck is I-5 North, the lower deck is I-5 South. The lowest ramp must be for either entering or exiting the bridge from nearby surface streets. Due to its height and the fact that it also curves, I stay away from this bridge when driving, if at all possible. Too scary for me, although I have been south once and north once, talking to myself the entire time about staying on the bridge. You see, I not only have a fear of heights, I have a getting-better-all-the-time fear of bridges.
Interesting shot from that angle.
I think what a mass of autos carrying people to who knows where over these bridges! Large structures for sure!
I like my small town!
That is beautiful!
Sunday Bridges
You made concrete look great.
If this were familiar, I would have no trouble driving it - but in an unfamiliar city, my palms would be sweating!
Very pretty photo. Love all the lines! The bridges give Portland such a distinctive look. I think this is my family's favorite bridge on our drive up to Seattle. We call it The Hydra.
«Louis» remembers this part of I-5 from when he used to visit Portland on business. He understands your acrophobia!
«Louis» works all weekend, so it is difficult for him to visit those who have contributed to Sunday Bridges on Sunday. So here it is mid-week and he's FINALLY getting around to visiting and thanking all who contributed to the meme.
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