At first I thought, "Don't know which veterans are riding in this vintage Cadillac." Then, "Oh, yes, I do. Lucky veterans to get to ride in such a beauty!" Then I found this online at the Oregonian about the folks and the vehicle: "Supporters of JOIN, a group created to help homeless veterans, ride in a 1958 Cadillac automobile during the Veteran's Day Parade Friday in the Hollywood District." Cool.

More lucky veterans in this vintage Ford Fairlane. Flickr friend Terry says it is a 1957. That was what I figured, but it's nice to have back up. While I love two-tone vintage vehicles, this one is actually a three-tone vehicle because the roof is a lighter version of the sort of steel blue gray on the lower portion of the side of the car. Very exciting to see for me, someone always head-over-heels where vintage vehicles are concerned.

AMVets Post 66, AMVets Riders Chapter 66, Portland, Oregon, in a vintage Dodge Coronet.

AMVets Post 66, AMVets Riders Chapter 66, Portland, Oregon, in a vintage Studebaker. This is the happiest car I think I've ever seen. It seems to be smiling broadly, proud of being included in the parade.

Here it looks like a little Frenchman to me, complete with a silver mustache.

1st Cavalry Division Association, Columbia Willamette Chapter. Gotta love this Chevrolet Apache pickup truck.

It's a two-tone beaut.

Picture perfect vintage Ford pickup.
One nice pic after another! If I had to pick a favorite in this series, it would be the 57 Ford.
retro rides. love them.
Wonderful vehicles. I really like that truck.
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