We ended up waiting at an opening in the tape that delineated the race path until competitors had passed so that we could get a good view spot. I had a real good time. Here are a few favorite photos.

Here she comes, on the left riding the bike with the pink front fork.

There she goes, around a curve that quickly changes into a straight away on a steep slope.

This shot gives you a pretty good idea of the angle involved in this section of the race.

Lots of riders, men and women slid onto their left sides and then had to get up and walk their bikes on this slope. Other decided just before getting to the slope to hop off and carry their bikes.

She's up and about to walk until she can get on her bike again. I want to find out where that man in the black shirt got his copper-colored cowbell!

However, I do not want to find out where this man in black got his teensy black cowbell. The other man's reminds me of my cowbell-ringing days as an undergraduate at Mississippi State University. Love the sound of thousands of clanking, clanging cowbells on a Saturday afternoon. Love it!
I love the mud.
Awesome set of photos. Shows the conditions perfectly. Those gals are tough!
That is a dedicated group of tuff gals! They seem to really like their sport. Got a large cheering section also!
You have a great collection of pictures today. Even though I like bicycling, this race is not one I would have wanted to enter.
Great series! I can't imagine doing this and thinking it was "fun," but to each his/her own! ;-)
It looks to be very difficult riding, but very easy to break an arm, leg or neck!
Wonderful action shots.
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