Monday, May 23, 2011

Blue sky really does happen in Portland, in a very big way!

I saw it last Thursday, about 6:20 p.m. as I approached the Hollywood Theater to meet the group about to embark on the Hollywood Neighborhood Walk, thanks to the Architectural Historical Center.
We walked for two hours, seeing lots of houses and buildings in the neighborhood, hearing all about them. I thought it particularly interesting that this movie theater is what gave the neighborhood its name and that the guide said he couldn't think of another Portland neighborhood which got its name that way.

More photos soon.


Jim Klenke said...

I love the look of the theater and the sky does look great.

Jack said...

Now, THAT is a blue sky! Love the old-fashioned movie theatre. I wish there were more of them these days instead of those 20-screen monsters.

Lois said...

Wow that theater is gorgeous!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Great theater facade. I wonder what the inside looks like.