For years I've noticed this house which appears to have been converted into a business. Now I live within walking distance, so I finally got to take a photo of it. And look at the serendipity--that front bumper of the car matches the paint on the house.
So what is it..... classes for people who want to find out about angels ?
We have a Norwegian Princess who make BIG money out of " an Angle School." She even wants to send lots of Angles to Japan....
Strange business .....
But I guess there are many "man made" new religions or spiritual people who are looking for "something" .
That is a great shot! I often wonder about places like this. There is a psychic not far from my house. I wonder how their business is going these days.
It is interesting, but I don't think I am likely to become a client.
her name is Rose Ivory De Vine? Catchy.
I like the car-house color coordination ... catches the eye!
I really miss/love Portland yards. you should do a post entirely on them & give me a few photos of ppl who have sustainable yards. This is somewhat of a Portland phenomenon because ppl elsewhere(I am near St. Louis) don't seem to want to have anything but a manicured lawn.
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