Saturday, December 8, 2007

Looking south at the Morrison Bridge, et al

Today dawned clear and cold, perfect December photo weather for the Pacific Northwest. After finishing two errands, I went lookin' for bridges. First for you, the Morrison Bridge from Tom McCall Waterfront Park.

The Crystal Dolphin sets sail on the Willamette River from the east bank, between the Hawthorne and Marquam Bridges. Here it glides beneath the Morrison Bridge. You can read all about this yacht-for-rent here. In the background above the yacht, that's the Marquam Bridge curving down as it finishes crossing the river from west to east. This view further reinforces my hope to never have to drive or ride, to tell you the truth, over the top of that bridge.


In this close-up shot of the Morrison, you can see Hawthorne and Marquam Bridges in the distance.


Just before I crossed Naito Parkway to head for the bus stop and a homeward bound 15 bus, I took this photo.


Standing at the bus stop at SW 3rd Avenue and SW Washington, I took this photo looking back towards the Morrison Bridge. You can see the bridge splits and the westward bound three lanes come off on SW Washington at SW 2nd Avenue.

Can you see what looks like green traffic signal lights on the bridge, near the control towers? That's not an ordinary traffic signal--it turns red when the bascule bridge has to open for river traffic. Remember the photo of the open bridge, on the Dec. 7 post? I'm guessing that if the bridge had been raised when I took this photo that the control tower on the left would have been hidden from view by the bridge deck.

Please come back tomorrow for Portland's Steel Bridge.


• Eliane • said...

Linette, I think you have caught the bridgemania now. You will soon break a record. ;) I am just teasin you, you know - your first pic is lovely.

Annie said...

Looks like a great day in Portland. I love the Columbia River and miss seeing it now that I live in Utah. I have enjoyed getting caught up on your blog, you live in a VERY beautiful place and I love the way you showcase it.

Jim Klenke said...

The yacht is nice, but that bridge looks huge. Neat close ups.

To answer your question on my site, I am putting my website name on my pictures now. I guess thats that I call tagging. I dont mind people using photos from my site as long as they give me credit.

Andrea said...

Interesting and beautiful. I catch myself staring down your photo's looking for Flat Stanley.

Annie said...

It's interesting, isn't it, that one who has a fear of being on bridges enjoys being close enough to take photos of them. Perhaps you are studying them and yourself as you approach and then avoid?

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Lynette, re: watermarking photos (adding copyright info), it's a very simple thing to do. Your photo editing program should have a "text tool" which you can use to add your blog's name to your photos. That's the simplest way. :)

dot said...

I think they should call Portland "the city of bridges".
I bet Flat Stanley is mad because he didn't get his picture taken!

Marie said...

This is another huge American bridge! We don't have those in France.