Wednesday, December 19, 2007

ABC Wednesday - V is for Veritable Quandary

It's true. There's a long-lived restaurant in Portland where, without a doubt, the food and service always go beyond one's expectations. Please visit the VQ Web site for all sorts of interesting facts, menus, etc.

I took these two photos on January 16, 2007, just as I started my walk across the Hawthorne Bridge in the snow. Regular mornings, rain or shine, when I go by the restaurant between 7-8 a.m., deliveries for the day are already underway.


Here's a clearer shot that I took ten days ago. The restaurant sits just west of the Willamette River at 1220 SW 1st Avenue. On the Fourth of July, the patio is a perfect spot to eat dinner before you walk up onto the Hawthorne Bridge to watch the fireworks on the river.

Now, let me tell you a veritable non-quandary to keep in mind if you ever get to dine at Portland's Veritable Quandary--for dessert, you ought to order the Chocolate Nocello Souffle. I can't pronounce that middle word, but I can tell you that this dessert is most certainly served in chocolate heaven.

From Merriam-Webster online:
veritable: being in fact the thing named and not false, unreal, or imaginary
quandary: a state of perplexity or doubt


Max-e said...

Looks like one of those places I would go to on impulse, just because of the name......and to get out of the cold.
How dos Flat Stanley rate it?

photowannabe said...

Terrific V post. That's such an unusual name I would have to try it myself.

AVCr8teur said...

You are a hardy soul to walk in that weather. My hats off to you. Any souffle pronounceable or not is inveritably good. Looks like a swanky place FS would like to try.

mrsnesbitt said...

Yes, Flat Stanley must need protection from the snow!

I love the whole thing about going out to a restaurant! I am doing the cooking on Christmas Day so will make sure everybody has a good time. The wine will help! LOL!

Gerald (SK14) said...

What a lovely name for a restaurant and super choice for a "V" post - I like the pictures of it in the snow.

Andrea said...

I am lusting over the snow pictures. I WANT SNOW!!!!!

Jim Baker said...

i love local places with great food...

and especially when they help out with the ABC wednesday post...

jim baker

dot said...

Sounds like a good place to eat. Love your snow pictures!

hpy said...

It's so cold that I don't want snow! A nice and cvosy restaurant - just like yours - is much better.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Nice V post and i will certainly try it out if i ever get to Portland. Will mention it on my yahoo rver's group as they are always looking for a great place to eat. Go figure but they love to eat out.
The chocolate would be my favorite to try out

Neva said...

I would be compelled to try this if I were there!

WendyB said...

What a fabulous name!

Olivier said...

belles photos sous la neige. je rêve de ce temps a Evry pour faire des photos...

Beautiful pictures in the snow. I dream of that time has Evry to make pictures ..

NYCindividual said...

I love the way you captured the snow. I especially liked the second photo.

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Great photos(as always). Love the local slant you put on things. I feel like if I ever visit Portland I will know my way around!

kml said...

That is a different name - but perfect for today's post!

bonnie said...

What a cute name for a restaurant. The sun room looks appealing, that is, if it's sunny.