Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sparkly, sparkly night, NW 23rd at Glisan, a few blocks from home


This evening, I took this photo on the way home from the bank. I wanted to show you the lights on the trees. When I got home, it dawned on me that if our weather forecast comes true, I really should go back Thursday evening at the same time to take another photo for you.

As unreal as it sounds, here's what the local NBC affiliate predicts: "The National Weather Service issued a heavy snow warning which goes into effect from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday for the lower Columbia and greater Portland Metro area, with 3 to 6 inches expected in Portland by late afternoon. KGW Meteorologist Ron Pedersen said cooling temperatures and more precipitation Thursday would bring accumulating snow all the way down to the valley floor. Pedersen said drivers could see snow during the morning commute but that the main accumulation would happen later in the morning and into midday. He said that the lowest elevations in Portland could see several inches of sticking snow from this latest storm."

Rest assured, I'll be outside as much as work, weather and TriMet allow, taking photos of any snow that I can find, and I'll make every effort to get to the corner of NW 23rd and Glisan once again.


Unknown said...

great photo and nice post!!

Greetings from Bangalore Daily Photo ..

Jim Klenke said...

Pretty lights, I hope you get lots of snow to take pictures of.

smilnsigh said...

Oh I love night shots of lights on trees!!! Hope you get more photos tonight ~ if you stay safe in so doing.

And ~ Do I see all mono-color cars in that photo? As in ~ you *managed* to *arrange* for no bright red or yellow ones to be parked along there, at the time you took this photo. -giggggles- Yup, you're still doing it! However you *do it*! You are amazing. :-))))


ft. lauderdale daily photo said...

I await your snow photos! Hope it's not too bad, weather-wise.

Olivier said...

une belle photo de nuit, j'attends la version sous la neige (attention ne sort pas Flat Stanley pendant la tempête de neige, il pourrait attraper froid)

A beautiful photo night, I expect the version in the snow (attention does not release Flat Stanley during the snowstorm, it might catch cold)

Bettey said...

I am getting disappointed Lynette. Here it is 1:30 and there are barely any flakes yet where I am! :(

dot said...

A beautiful picture. Hope you get that snow!

Lilli & Nevada said...

nice lights. I heard you should or did get snow. It is snowing here about an inch but suppose to get more by tomorrow.

Janet said...

Love those lights! You got a good clear photo of them. Now I can't help but wonder if the folks who put up all these strings of lights in cities all over the world realize just how much we appreciate seeing them! I wonder how long it takes to put them all up!