Whoops! Somebody forgot their sushi. I saw it sitting on the 17 bus, one weekday after work.

I wonder why somebody would walk off the bus without their sushi? Was his or her mind wandering? I wonder how long the box of sushi would have to wait to be tossed into the trash?
For all you sushi-lovers, let me go ahead and say what you are thinking, "What a waste!"
It looks so lonely!
Hi Lynette
Maybe that was left by someone like me who does not like sushi :)
Wait! Walking sushi on the Way!
The trouble with finds like this is that you can't be certain it is actually still edible.
Like Bookcrossing, maybe this is Sushicrossing...
we also has sushi for christmas:) In Hungary the tradition is fish for christmas but we decided about something special..:)
Wonder how long before it was thrown away, can you imagine the smell.
No i don't like Sushi
Wow - Wonderful Wednesday "W" post!
Cute! Great photos! Looks like there was a good amount of sushi left over too!
That's the first I've ever seen. I'm not about to eat any.
They must have been quite hungry come lunchtime!
Funny post.
Duncan looks like a cutie from your other post. Have a Happy New Year!
It looks kind of tasty.
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