Here's our guy Flat Stanley, out and about in October. Like most boys, he couldn't wait to take a look at the Willamette and its surroundings from the telescope with Point of View on its side. Y'all recognize the Hawthorne Bridge there behind him? It looks closer than it really is. See you tomorrow with the rest of the bridges.
I think Flat Stanley has seen more sites than I have in my 48 plus years of life. From the picture I can tell Flat Stanley is very well taken care of. And from all the pictures I can tell you are a wonderful tour guide.
I've probably said this before but I bet you get some strange looks when you take him out. lol
A most energetic young man Stanley, getting around to more sights than most boys his age :)
Oh, Flat Stanley, I was wondering where you were.
Who is Flat Stanley???????
Flat Stanley en a bien de la chance, il rendre jaloux amedée ;o).
Flat Stanley was very lucky, it make jealous amedée ;o).
Flat Stanley isn't the least bit intimidated by bridges and heights, is he.
Flat Stan is holding his balance well on the telescope. I think he needs a pair of sunglasses from the glare.
Fat Stanley always, but always, makes me smile. Thank you.
You must show this to Kai! She wants a scooter like that!
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