Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Christmas window at Decades Vintage Company


I love this display of Christmas finery. If any of it were my size, I'd be buying it to wear to a future holiday gathering. Read all about this cool looking store at their Web site. I want to go back there at some point. It won't be hard to find again, at 328 SW Stark, downtown.

Do you like the vintage look in clothing, jewelry, furniture, accessories?


Anonymous said...

I watched a program on television the other night about the world's most famous stores (from Hudson Bay Company to Macy's) and how they decorate their windows for Christmas. It is a year-long event which ends with dramatic results and huge crowds.

Andrea said...

Funnest part of shopping to me is seeing all the Christmas decorations.

dot said...

I haven't been shopping in a downtown area with all the beautiful window decorations in years. This store has a beautiful colorful display but I'm not so sure I'd like the vintage look.

WendyB said...

I wear lots of vintage, but I don't know if it gives me a vintage look! I do some of my buying from a store called Decades in LA. I have a feeling that's a popular name for vintage stores.

WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...

Check out that paisley sport coat, pretty snazzy.

Felicia said...

I like their hanging ornaments and I love vintage/antique/thrift stores!

AVCr8teur said...

That red dress looks like something nice to wear to a holiday party. I like vintage buildings and history so does that count?

Neva said...

I love vintage clothing but none of it ever fits me( I am 6 ft tall so go figure!)Nice post. I have been busy with Christmas and haven't had the time to go "blogging" ---I haven't forgotten you!