Looking east on Glisan, almost to 21st--here's Sammy's Flowers ready and waiting to be set out in front of Trader Joe's, which bills itself as "your neighborhood grocery store." I took the photo about 7:45 a.m. this morning as we walked to our car.

I can't help myself--I have to give you these other two shots I took around 4 p.m., after I'd parked the car and headed back to our apartment. Looking west, then looking east again.

For those of you who drool over gorgeous fresh produce, you'll do the same over Sammy's Flowers.
Hey, what a beatiful shop.
It's like that every single day of the spring, summer and fall.
Beautiful shop. It's easy to see why you posted so many pictures. Thanks.
I'm drooling over all those beautiful flowers - and I also wish there was a Trader Joe's in my city. I've had a few things bought from Trader Joe's and everything was wonderful.
You asked if the tree on my blog today was a mimosa and if I had any photos of the tree in bloom. I don't but I do love the wispy pink blossoms of summer. I'll see if I can find any still blooming and will post for you.
Annie, thanks! A beautiful mimosa grew beside the driveway of my childhood home. I loved to climb up it and settle in a V in the branches, hidden somewhat by the leaves, watching the traffic go by. Your photo brought back those memories.
Wonderful shots, you gave me something to be on the look out for at http://sarasotadailyphoto.com. I know of several produce stands (in season) but no flower stand like this except maybe at the Saturday market.
You also reminded me of something I miss - Trader Joes, we have Whole Foods Market which is great, but Trader Joes prices are much more affordible!
I don't think we have a flower shop quite like that in Boston, at least I haven't seen it, and not at all at Trader Joe's. Sammy must be a very happy person :). Lovely photos!
David, produce produces pretty photos. Please post plenty. Sorry. I couldn't resist.
My favorite grocery store here is New Seasons--they've got the best selection of goat and sheep cheese which means a lot to those of us who are lactose intolerant. I must admit I've not been in Whole Foods lately, though. I need to go and check out their cheeses.
Fenix, isn't this blog thing a great way to visit all over!
I love flowers. I used to grow them myself but now I live in an apartment. Very pretty photos!
Marie, we also live in an apartment, one without a balcony. When we lived in Mississippi, we had a patio loaded with pots and pots of flowers, plus two small flower beds. Perhaps not being able to grow flowers has led me to photograph them whenever I see them.
That's a lot of flowers though no customers yet:)
Answering to your Question:
No, I didn't use tripod, I placed on my knee.
Aigars, I see by your photo that your knees are much younger than mine! I would be shaking so much that the photo would never look as good as yours. I must get myself a tripod.
Sammy has some nice flowers for sale and think of the numbers of flowers that must be sold to pay the rent. Wow. He must be a good business person.
Nice street photo. Love all the flowers.
Beautiful flowers and nice place!
Gorgeous!! If I ever hit the lottery, one of the things I will do is have fresh flowers in the house every day.
It was an excellent read that You can't help yourself. you have to give Us these other two shots You took around 4 p.m., after You had parked the car and headed back to your apartment. Looking west, then looking east again.
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