Picture this: Mama and me, in the Buick, driving west on SW Morrison. As I turn right onto SW 12th, I’m saying, “I’ve got to find something for Alphabet Wednesday for J.” Mama quips, “J is for joy” as the car straightens out and I notice a crowd of people on the left, at the steps of a church. Parked at the far corner is a turquoise-colored convertible, an Olds Delta 88, adorned with bunches of white balloons, blowing in the breeze. I say, “I’ll get a photo of the car—that could represent joy, the joy of the bride and groom!”
So I go around the block again, when lo and behold, as we straighten out on 12th, a man stops at the top of the church steps and introduces the bride and groom to everyone. They come down the steps and get into the convertible! In seconds, they pull out into the street, to our left. At a traffic signal, I lean out, camera in hand, and say, “Smile!” You see the result.
I can't, in all conscience, use the photo for J without their permission. Last Friday, I call the church and explain all about my blog, ABC Wednesday, and J is for Joy. I ask the wedding lady if she could ask the couple for me, “Would it be OK to use the photo I took of them for my blog?” She says she will e-mail them for me. Later that evening, my phone rings. The new bride agrees to my from-out-of-left-field request.
To the happy couple I say, "Thank you for letting me share your joy with the City Daily Photo Blog."
Weddings are a joyful occasion indeed!
Your Love Coach
What a joyous photo. I'm sure the happy couple will be so proud to see their big day portrayed on your blog. Happy days to them - and to you.
I really like your "J" post! Nice picture and they do look very joyful!
You are a good person to actually get a "model release" for the photo before putting it on your blog.
Apropos your comment about libraries: I agree, borrowing books from them makes a lot of sense!
Such a great story and wonderful commitment to obtaining permission to share a photo. Thank you and best wishes to the bride and groom.
You've definitely captured Joy on their faces. Great job! Glad you took the time to ask for permission to use the photo. I'm sure the B&G would get a kick out of having their photos on a blog.
Love their radiant faces, the photo and the story behind it. Great post! :)
Hi What a great looking car and a great looking bride, yes definitely a J from JOY!!!
Also a J... that me:)
Come to visit my blog your welcome:)I'm Dtch and I write a two language blog (english and Dutch) almost always photography from allkinds of subjects...
Greetings JoAnn
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thank the lovely lady! So touched!
What a great photo for J! I don't know if I would have thought of Joy.
Great work. True professionalism, to contact the happy couple. And bravo to the bride for her enlightened attitude.
There's a lot of joy in that photo = and I feel even more joy knowing that you went to all that trouble to get permission to show us these smiling faces. What a tribute to integrity and caring!
You are so thoughtful of the joyful couple. Your respect for privacy has earned you a great respect for your blog page. Please keep up the wonderful work. The photo is lovely and I can't think of a better theme than 'Joy'
Gorgeous wedding photo. The couple looks happy.
What a joyful photo! and how nice to get their permission..Congratulations to the bride and groom.....
what a great capture! :)
Excellent story. Congrats to the newly wed and the improvised photographer.
What a great story with such a happy ending (and picture too). Did you manage to find out anything about that picture on the side of the building?
Great shot! Definitely captures the joy of the couple.
I just found you as an ABC Wednesday member - I will add you to my list. Great "J"!
What a great story to go with a great photo. Yes, joy is written all over their faces.
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