First, I have to tell you that I really, really, really goofed up with the picture-taking. I completely forgot to take any group photos of Leland and Lamont and Grandma! I did get some of Leland and Kailey--hooray! I mean, it was such a busy time, filled with distractions like meeting new people, watching people, wondering how in the world my wonderful, Type A younger son was able to graciously cope with the amount of time it all took. My allergies came into play, not as bad as they could have been--thank goodness. It sprinkled rain on us a few times. Mama had to walk a good bit, with her walker--she could rest when necessary thanks to the seat on the walker. We got to the campus out east in Troutdale, Oregon, at about 4:40 p.m. and thoroughly enjoyed meeting some of Leland's professors and fellow students at a party with pizza and cake. At 7 p.m., "Pomp and Circumstance" signaled the arrival of 478 Mt. Hood Community College graduates and 70 plus graduates of the Gresham, Oregon, campus of Eastern Oregon University. It was 10 p.m. before everyone's name had been called, much to the joy of their loved ones in the crowd.
Turned out Leland was the 476th Mt. Hood graduate to walk across the stage and get his diploma in Civil Engineering Technology. Here he is, shaking hands with Mt. Hood's President John J. “Ski” Sygielski.

Back at the beginning of our super evening, here's Leland in front of his term project, the plans for his Throwing Stones Bowling Alley.

The cake, just before being cut up into huge pieces--the biggest I can ever remember getting at a function like this--it was quite tasty, too.

The lively graduate.

The calm graduate.

Leland and Kailey

Dr. Ski instructed the students to stand up, turn around and applaud their families in thanks for their support. Leland had no idea where we were seated. At this point we were hidden by the crowd at the top of the bleachers, about 25-30 rows, I'm guessing. Left to right, Brett, Leland, Isaac, all in the engineering technology department.

Now a few candid shots that I managed to get after Kailey and I got to move down to the front row of the bleachers! I like these photos, having them sort of makes up for my forgetting to take the group shots, especially since I figured I wouldn't get any like them because of our original seats.

Back row, Michael, Valerie, Kate. Front row, Leland, Isaac--all buds in the engineering technology department.

I love that first shot, its frame worthy. Tell Kailey she can take her fish hook out of his ear, she already caught him.
Great picture sequence of the graduation, and congratulations to Leland!
Good for him! Good for all of them! Wow, 476th. You must have been wondering if they were going to call him. Congratulations again. I guess now he gets to start putting it to use.
Oh Lynette Congratulations on Leland's graduation! How wonderful for you! It looks like it was a great event! I am sure you are soooo proud! What a great way to spend June 12th (which happened to be my 33rd wedding anniversary!)
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