Thursday, April 17, 2008

Precariously perched on a plate

I just have to share with you a continuation of my ABC Wednesday - M is for Mound, Mounted and Massive.

After work Wednesday, I noticed that the dozer had been relocated to the north, almost into the corner. I got off the bus and walked back to that corner so that I could get a good look at the plate beneath the treads. I very much wanted to cross the street and get a really close photograph. However, the sidewalk is closed beside the excavation, affording no where to stand out of the traffic. Good sense reigned, and I stayed safe taking my photo from where I stood.


Anonymous said...

This does make a nice construction site photo. I enjoyed it and even more after reading your commentary.

Nice shot.

Jim Klenke said...

That thing is hanging over, you couldnt get me to work in it.

Dragonstar said...

I still can't really believe the way it's balanced there! Surely it isn't safe. The driver needs danger-money!

George Townboy said...

I love the way you take pictures!! Very cool!

Isadora said...

:) So often we see these massive machines that we no longer 'see' them. Nice shot. I was tempted to take another photo of the huge orange cane that reappeared across from the opera. apparently work is done and now they are removing things from the building.

smilnsigh said...

Yeaaaaaaa for good sense! :-) And you still got a great photo.