Kindred spirits, as in this photographer and all of us CDPBers.

Kindred spirits, again, as in all Portlanders who have enjoyed our double row of cherry trees beside the Willamette River, between the Burnside Bridge and the Steel Bridge, seen here in the background, and all Washingtonians who have enjoyed their cherry trees at the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C.

If you're of a mind to, go to Mrs. Nesbitt's Place for loads of other ABC Wednesday blogs! You'll need to look at the comments at her blog to find out who is participating this week.
Really enjoyed your kick up the heels post. The trees are so beautiful...
That is a wonderful catch on the lively dog.
Great canine action shot!
Those cherry trees are gorgeous! So lush! :D
Wonderful photographs, and a lovely dog :) Great K !
Cherry trees in blossom; beautiful. A good take on the letter k.
Great photos! Love the dogs. Dogs are so much fun!
Hi Lynette
All these cherry blossoms everywhere - my neighbour's has still got bare wintry branches!
Today's English terminology lesson for you "rasher" - a slice, usually used in connection with bacon. I've just had one for breakfast - a rasher of rindless back, very lightly fried in a pan with the barest minimum of oil (from a 1-cal spray) and then an egg cracked into the hot pan and poked to allow the yoke to run out and solidify (I turn the gas off at this point as the heat in the pan will cook the egg without the need for more heat). Actually I cook two rashers and two eggs, one for me and one for my wife - served up as a sandwich betwen slices of lightly buttered [well not butter but low-fat spread] brown bread.
happy salivating!
Oh.........gerald is talking about bacon now! I am so hungry! LOL!
Loved the sheer enjoyment and excitement of the first photograph!
PS I can't do the link yet, but we will get there.
your pictures are influenced by spring in more then one sence. Love them.
See my ABC wednesday here.
I love your K-post.The dog looks like he has great fun,and the cherry trees are beautiful:)
Beautiful shots, Lynette. I especially like that dog.
Just loved the dogs exhuberance in that first shot.
Arrh - cherry blossom!
Great photo's
Good catch of that dog!
Thats a great pic of the dog. Caught it at the prefect time.
The cherry blossoms are a real treat. Now I am ready to go kick up my heels.
Great series and commentary! You are cool.
K would have been so easy for me if I were participating ... KISS!
WOW how I love the first one. They are all fantstic and I love them, but the first one I feel very much for! I love to have fun with our dog. Wonderful photos and a nice K:)
Those are fantastic and such great use of "K"!
Great capture of the dog kicking it's heels.
Love the trees all lined up too. Beautiful.
Very good catch of that dog!
Great photos and K post.
Oh what beautiful photos. I just love those trees. The pup and his friend seem to be enjoying themselves!
Oh how fabulous. Everything is fabulous. the jumping dog, those blossom trees, oh my, such beauty!
WOW the dogs, the Cherry Blossoms, beautiful place
I thought it was Little Red Riding Hood ... Great catch on the dog ... Enjoy the Cherry blossoms while they last.
très bon choix pour la lettre "K". ta série est très belle
Very good choice for the letter "K". Your series is very beautiful
Love the K adjectives you used to show your photos today!
Wonderful and awesome pictures!
LOL! He really is kicking up his heels!!!
One happy heel kicking dog indeed. Beautiful trees, too.
great capture!
The jumping dog photos are hilarious! I can't quite see what is making the dog to jump. I don't see any frisbees being thrown.
that's a very nice capture on the dog 'kicking' up his heels! and those cherry blossoms on all the trees is absolutely beautiful...
Trees are lovely ... but the dog is just plain unbelievable!
Between theme day and ABC Wedm I am late looking at everyone's photo. I love the blossoms on the trees. Do they smell? hope your weekend it lovely!:)
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