Friday, April 18, 2008

TriMet Bus Stop ID 5020

I've decided to start a series of photos, an intermittent series I suppose I should call it, that involves TriMet stops. Here's the first one which I decided to make into a black and white photo using iPhoto.


I took this Tuesday at about 5:45 p.m. as I waited to catch the #15. Instead of going west towards home, I traveled east to Nostrana to meet Lamont so that we could eat dinner where Leland and Lindsay were working. Fun, great company and great food.

SW Salmon & 5th in Portland going east, Stop ID 5020
Español (this is a link on the Web page)
Stop is in Fareless Square
(each of the following is a link on the Web page)
TransitTracker (Next Arrivals)
TransitTracker (Next Arrivals) in a new window
Schedule Information now
Schedule Information at another time
Find closest stops to SW Salmon & 5th

Served by
(each bus listed below is a link on the Web page)
15-NW 23rd Ave
63-Washington Park


Stop is on the near side of the intersection
TransitTracker arrival display
Traffic signal
Lighting at stop
Pavement at back door of bus
Curb ramp near stop
Pavement at front door of bus
Sidewalk near stop
Schedule display

I've got to wonder, just what does "Stop is on the near side of the intersection" mean?


Chuck Pefley said...

Looks like Pioneer Courthouse square. Is it? I rode Max last time I was in Portland. Here in Seattle I only ride the bus about once or twice a year. Usually ride my scooter instead.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

Do they have every single stop described like this? I think they may be getting a bit that way here though. There is a local online journey planner that I access sometimes just for fun and often it'll suggest that you walk 3 miles!

Kate said...

B & W is an excellent choice for this photo. Nice job!!

Anonymous said...

Nice photo and interesting read.

Jane Hards Photography said...

W are lucky if a bus turns up, never mind all the info. It's a great b& w shot, the contrast spot on.

Champ Townboy said...

That means watch out if it is on the Far Side, it could be whacked out and scary! LOL

Love this photo and nice touch with the black and white. This is definitely an interesting idea for a series ... I am looking forward to it!!

Janet said...

A well organized transit stop. I like your black and white rendition.

Lynette said...

Look what Anonymous left for us at Mama and Me from PDX:

Re: nearside, if you are walking in the direction of traffic at an intersection, and the stop is before you cross the street, it is on the nearside. If the stop is after you cross the street it is farside.

Thanks, Anonymous!