Nicknamed by some "the children's parade," last week's event drew a crowd of 40,000-50,000 along its route in the Hollywood District, Northeast Portland. The Rock 'n' Roses refers to the theme for this year's Portland Rose Festival. I took a day of vacation so that I could go for the first time. After lunch at Killer Burger at the corner of NE Sandy Blvd. and NE 47th, I took my lawn chair outside, found a space on the sidewalk at the curb, and settled down to enjoy myself.
I expected to see lots of bands and scout groups, but I didn't expect to see maybe 40 children of all ages being pushed along in their wheel chairs by people who might be parents or who work or volunteer at the Providence Child Center.
Here are two photos of just a handful of the children and those who care enough to provide them with a chance to be in a parade. How neat!

I found this online about Providence Child Center which is Part of Providence Health and Services:
Providence Child Center (PCC) has been caring for Oregon’s most vulnerable children for over 60 years. Today it continues to fill an important gap in the community not provided by any other organization regionally. We are rooted in the commitment to promote the inherent dignity of all children by providing each child in our care the opportunity to achieve his or her potential and the highest quality of life in an atmosphere of acceptance and love.
And this explains all about a concept new to me, but when you think about it, it makes perfect sense.
Pediatric recreational therapy
Also known as: Recreational therapy, pediatric; Therapeutic recreation, pediatric
Recreational therapists provide recreational activities and treatment for patients with disabilities or illnesses. Therapeutic activities can include arts and crafts, animals, sports, games, dance and movement, drama, music or community outings. Recreational therapists improve and maintain the physical, mental and emotional well-being of their clients.
The therapeutic recreation team at Providence Child Center provides recreational opportunities for our kids that enhance their health, functional abilities, independence and quality of life. Our therapy staff is supported by hundreds of volunteers who make it possible to provide unique and exciting recreational activities.
The following are highlights of a few of these programs:
- Crafts, music and sports groups are continuously provided by our creative staff, volunteers, and community partners.
- Community integration field trips to Portland Trail Blazer Games, OMSI, the Saturday Market, the movies and more.
- The Friend to Friend program partners local students with our kids for a year’s worth of friendship and life-long memories.
- Holiday parties, like the annual Christmas Present Celebration, a Valentine’s Day Dance, the New Year’s Eve party, and the Chinese New Year’s parade. “Foster” Grandparents who help with everything from getting our kids on the Portland Public School buses every morning to tucking them into bed at night.
- Special events and typical child-hood traditions including the Jr. Rose Parade, a traditional Prom, birthday parties and summer camp.
- Alternative therapy services like music therapy and pet therapy– we’ve hosted everything from harps to lamas!
Lynette, Thanks for the great pictures and the awesome spotlight on a fabulous program.
Very informative, Lynette. A good program.
Amazing post and program. I love the photos.
This was a fun parade. Looks like you were directly across the street from our group! I'm hidden tho'. Flo
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