The sign boldly states "Street Closed." Well, until the Portland Police Bureau officer (and a nearby, out of the photo TriMet employee) decided that the time had come to let the traffic stopped on NE Sandy flow east and west. Thus, the runners came to a stop, waiting silently, speckled with falling rain. I heard only the sound of tires traversing the wet pavement.

This intersection must have been just one of many on the route at which runners had to stop for a short time while law enforcement officers cleared the stopped traffic. NE Sandy Blvd. is one of the major thoroughfares in northeast Portland, used by two busy bus lines, even on a Sunday. Since it was cool and rainy, I wondered whether or not the runners welcomed the short pauses. I have to imagine that, for the most part, they didn't.

The intersection is almost cleared now. Runners, ready!

There they go, on their way mid-way from mile 10 to mile 11 and beyond!
That's crazy. Lois is a runner and has run a number of 1/2 marathons and I can't imagine making runners stop to clear traffic...on a hot day some might even have a heart attack! Yikes! From what I hear, though, it's fun running in the rain.
I don't run, I take the pictures!
As a runner/jogger, I would have been upset to have to stop and wait. But, if it was at the end of runners they may have taken to long to finish. Each course is usually closed for only a certain amount of time, then its opened back up to traffic with runners going at their own risk.
I feel for them... and Lowell. He runs 1/2 marathons? This world ceases to amaze. You go, Boy!
Looks like it was a great turn out.
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