An apartment house on NW 23rd Avenue, or maybe it's condos. I took this photo on March 12 with the Nikon CoolPix L12. I vividly remember when I first saw the building. Lamont, Leland and I had walked and walked and walked throughout the Pearl and the Northwest Hills one afternoon in 2004--when Mama and I were here on our first visit. The building was undergoing renovation. I wondered then how it would turn out, little knowing that in a little over two years we'd be living within walking distance. I love Portland!

Here's another one that I took with the Nikon D50 on May 9.

Today's dahlia, Lavender Ruffles. Facts from Swan Island Dahlias--Bloom: 12" Lavender, Bush: 3'

Magnificent building. I don't ever tire of these. You are fortunate to have it so close to where you live. You never know, maybe one of these days the opportunity to go inside will present itself. That is why I always, always carry my camera.
They sure dont make'em like that anymore.
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