Before work began last Friday, November 14, I walked out onto the rooftop garden and took these photos just to document the only winter-type weather I saw in the period of time in which it had been predicted that possibly four to six inches of snow could have ended up in Portland, starting around 9 a.m. on November 13. Thankfully, no snow in the metro area--I saw one snowflake from my cubicle window large enough to be seen from across the street. There was some iciness on the streets and sidewalk for my commutes, but I wore my Yak-Trax on my shoes and made it just fine.

I took this photo and a few more, then rode the elevator to my floor and got settled in for work.
A single snowflake is quite a difference from the announced six inches...
I like these photos Lynette! It's been unusually cold here this week. Lows at night in the 20's which doesn't usually happen until January or February.
Lake Oswego pretty icy and Hood River LOTS of whiteness I hear.
I like the impressionist quality of the shots. Yak Trax really come in handy.
Nice shots. It's been pretty cold here but only one small dusting of snow and now nothing.
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