I'm posting this photo today in honor of my departure from Portland's international airport, known as PDX. I'm off to England and Scotland for a Trafalgar tour, a dream trip with my friend Juliet who moved to Portland from Minneapolis. She found me through this blog! So cool!
Don't be fooled, though. This is not the air traffic control tower seen from the airplane. I took this photo on October 5, 2013, from a TriMet bus window as we crossed the Morrison Bridge. The bridge operator works in there and raises the bridge as necessitated by Willamette River traffic. I've actually been on a tour of that bridge and got to go down into the support, which I call the leg, of the bridge through the door on the tower. After we walked down the stairs, the bridge operator raised the bridge and we got to hear and see all of the works move--Spielberg woulda loved that sound!--as well as a huge concrete section which eventually opened enough that we could see the sky!
Bon voyage, look forward to some travel shots.
Enjoy the trip!
I hope your going to post photos. Enjoy your trip.
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