I took this photo looking through the bus window on the way home Wednesday night, December 5. There's something romantic to me about riding along in a bus, looking into lighted windows. The backwards white letters reflected above the door are part of the lighted letters identifying The Original Dinerant which is across the street--a restaurant. I'm not sure where the specks of white light to the right of the door originate.

Here's the same photo, altered with HDR at BeFunky. I think I like the first one better, but I wanted to show you both of them.
The doorway is in a fine building at 309 SW 6th Avenue. I'll have to go back and check out the granite doorstep. Read this which I found on the Internet to learn what I'm talking about:
The Wells Fargo Building is a historic office building in downtown Portland, Oregon, United States. The large doorstep at the building's entryway required the largest slab of granite ever shipped to Portland at the time. Completed in 1907, it is the first steel-framed building in Portland, and is considered the city's first true skyscraper. At 12 stories, it was the tallest building in Oregon and remained so for four years. In 1986 the building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places.
I guess we can "BeFunky" every now and then, nice looking shot too!
I love both versions of this shot. Happy Sunday.
I love all that detail around the doors
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